Package supply services

Collaborating with THG means integrating the engineering, procurement, fabrication and construction aspects of your project. Our in-house and on-site industrial fabrication services (loose equipment or
skid packages) provide innovative solutions to challenging designs across the Oil & Gas, Chemical,
Petrochemical and alternative energy industries.

We have experience and competence in the supply of packages such as:

  • Pressure Vessels
  • Heat exchangers
  • Gas treatment package
  • Chemical Injection package
  • Hydraulic Power units
  • Others

Whether your project is simple or complex, construction requires a knowledgeable team that understands
the full scope of your project. THG has proven experience in Civil, Structural, Shop Fabrication, Piping,
Equipment, Electrical, and Instrumentation services. Our reliable, in-house construction professionals
are ready to build your project efficiently and safely.


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